Bridgeport Series 1 Ram-head Miller Catalog
Bridgeport Series 1 Turret Miller. 24-page Catalog showing all the heads and other accessories. A useful adjunct to the Bridgeport Series 1 publications.
Bridgeport Series 1 Turret Miller. 24-page Catalog showing all the heads and other accessories. A useful adjunct to the Bridgeport Series 1 publications.
Bridgeport Series 1 MDI Milling Machine: Maintenance Manual.
BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1. Maintenance Manual with electrical schematic and including a 66-page set of notes written by a Service engineer titled: "Bridgeport Electrical Test and Setup Procedures"
BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1. Operating and Programming Manual with Heidenhain TNC145 or TNC 150 Series Controls.
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 and Interact Series 2 Mk.4. Operating and Programming Manual.
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings for machines with Heidenhain TNC2500 Control with additional Parameter Sheets. Some electrical schematics are included, sourced from the factory before it closed; however, these are poor-quality reproductions.
BRIDGEPORT Series 1 Universal Milling Machine - and its various and many clones: A complete, high-quality Data Pack consisting of all known literature in three parts:
1) Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual - the latter as very clear exploded component drawings in the UK Edition for machines made by Adcock and Shipley.