Atlas 10-inch lathe screwcutting charts

The first manual for the original 10-inch Atlas did not include the screwcutting data - but later editions did, the makers including card inserts to allow the chapter to be included later. To make up for this I can supply the extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated charts from what was known as the 61-page "Supplementary Screwcutting Instruction Booklet".

  • Other
Atlas 10" & Craftsman 12" Lathes Pre 1957 Operation, Maintainance & Parts Manual

Atlas 10-inch Lathe (and Craftsman 12-inch lathes) pre-1957: While the lathe remained basically the same for many years, with identical major components, various specifications were available with Model Numbers that included, over the years: 10-F, 10-D, TA36, TA42, TA48, TA54, TH36, TH42, TH48, TH54, TV36, TV42, TV48, TV54, H36, H42, H48, H54, V36, V42, V48, V54, QC42, QC54, et

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog
ATLAS Lathes Accessories. Instructions Set

ATLAS Lathes Accessories. A set of separate sheets originally published separately covering the:
1) Taper-turning Attachment (No. 6822) Mounting and Operating Manual and Parts Illustrations.
2) Follower Rest (Travelling Steady)Mounting and Operating Manual and Parts Illustrations.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
Atlas Pick-o-Matic Screwcutting manual

Atlas Lathe "Pick-o-matic" Screwcutting Attalchment. 79-page Manual for the 10-inch F and D type Lathe. Complete Installation and Operator's Instruction Manual with extensive charts giving threads and feed rates for every possible combination of gears and including threads not listed on the lathe. Exploded components diagrams.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog
Atlas 10-inch Screwcutting Gearbox Manual

Atlas 10-inch Screwcutting Gearbox Instructions. These are the instructions provided when a customer bought the screwcutting gearbox to fit to a changewheel-equipped standard lathe. Comprehensive 72-page Special Edition listing all the setting for standard, metric and odd threads and feeds.

  • Operators Manual
  • Catalog