HORNAMILL Milling Attachments - a complete Data Pack

HORNAMILL Milling Attachments. A Data Pack consisting of: Operating Instructions for the 3-way Lathe Attachment, Catalogue for the 3-way Milling Attachment, Powered Milling Attachment to Convert Horizontal Milling Machines into a Vertical Miller. 13 pages.

  • Operators Manual
  • Catalog
ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 31 (circa 1938)

ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 31 (circa 1938) with lathes, millers, shapers, drills, presses, vices, motors & accessories. 70 pages. The print is 'soft' and the many small photographs require lots of work by hand to degauss and improve contrast. The result is a perfect reproduction of a high-quality 120g paper.

  • Parts Manual
ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 39 (January 1939)

ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 39 (January 1939) with millers, shapers, drills: 70 pages. The print is 'soft' and the many small photographs require lots of work by hand to degauss and improve contrast. The result is a perfect reproduction of a high-quality 120g paper.

  • Catalog
ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 40 (1940)

ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 40 (1940) with millers, shapers, drills: Atlas Catalogs are not the easiest to scan and prepare for printing. The print is 'soft' and the many small photographs require lots of work by hand to degauss and improve contrast. The result is a perfect reproduction of a high-quality 120g paper.  70 pages 

  • Catalog
ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 45 (1945)

ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. 45 (1945) with millers, shapers, drills, etc: Atlas Catalogs are not the easiest to scan and prepare for printing. The print is 'soft' and the many small photographs require lots of work by hand to degauss and improve contrast. The result is a perfect reproduction of a high-quality 120g paper.  64 pages.

  • Catalog
ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. M52 (1952 to 1958)

ATLAS Lathes full-range Catalogue No. M52 (1952 to 1958) with 1954 price list and millers, shapers, drills: The print is 'soft' and the many small photographs require lots of work by hand to degauss and improve contrast. The result is a perfect reproduction of a high-quality 120g paper.

  • Catalog
Rivett data Pack - the Complete Set on DVD

A complete Rivett Data Pack consisting of
Workshop Manual and Instruction Manual. Army Issue Publication - Covers, in great detail, every aspect of the lathe and its use. Also applies, in general terms, to the earlier and similar 8-inch Precision. 140 pages. GBP45

  • Catalog
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Technical Drawings
Derbyshire Precision Lathes: Catalog Data Set

DERBYSHIRE - all the information and illustrations that are different (there was much duplication in the Company's catalogs) extracted from a collection of five Derbyshire Catalogues from the 1940s until recently that gives a complete picture of the company's products and enabling identification of rare and unusual accessories. 127 pages.

  • Catalog
"Machining For Toolmaking and Experimental Work" training course by the Engineering Industry Training Board.

"Machining For Toolmaking and Experimental Work" by the Engineering Industry Training Board. A detailed, easy-to-follow and well-illustrated course of instruction that covers: Turning, Milling, Shaping/Slotting and Surface Grinding with step-by-step guides. An ideal course for beginners to the subject.

  • Operators Manual
Clausing full-range Catalogue showing the lathes of the 1960s and 1970s

Clausing full-range Catalogue showing the lathes of the 1960s and 1970s. Contains full details of all the lathes (including imported and re-badged English Colchester models): 17 -inch, 15-inch, 13-inch; 6900 Series (14-inch); 5900 Series (12-inch); 4900 Series (10-inch) and Accessories for the full range. Vertical and Horizontal Millers and Drill Presses. 82 pages.

  • Catalog
Richmond (Midgley & Sutcliffe England) Complete Milling Machine Product Range Catalogue Set

Richmond (Midgley & Sutcliffe England) Complete Product Range Catalogue for the Company's Milling machines including pre-WW2 publications for early and late Models "O", 1, !a, 2A, 2B, LHM, VHM, VM1, later Plain & Universal versions of the No.1, No. 2, No.3, OS3D, No. 4, No. 5 production miller, No.3 vertical, No.