HOFMANN Dividing Heads Sales & Specification Catalogue

HOFMANN Dividing Heads Sales & Specification Catalogue showing the DTH, HTH,
HTH(A), UTH, HG, HTG, TSH-100, D, MT-125/3, Z, ZT, VTS, VTS+BV, VTSA-200, HMTH,
UMTH, UMTHS, MTS, ABS, ABL, EMT-100/1, EMT-150/2, EMT-160/1, EMT-180/3,
ETW/125-5, ETW/125-2, ETW, SETW/125, DT, DT(A), HTHD, ANC-240, NCT, HTH/NC,

Bechler A Threading Attachment Manual

Bechler A and B Lathes. 3-spindle Universal Combined Threading, centering and Drilling Attachment. Detailed Operating Instruction Manual for both the single and twin-belt types.

  • Operators Manual
Diaform Instructions covering Models A, B, AT, BT, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, R and 4B Wheel Forming Attachments Manual

DIAFORM Wheel Forming Attachment . A Data pack with a copy of the Diaform Booklet "Form Dressing with the Diaform Wheel Forming Attachment" - a detailed guide as to what the machine can achieve with illustrated examples of work and issued with the the early Diaform Models A, B, AT, BT, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, R and 4B.

  • Operators Manual
  • Catalog
  • Other