Simonet DC, DD, DR-102 and DZ-450 Manual

SIMONET basic Working Instructions & Maintenance Guide for the DC-102, DD-102, DR102 and DZ-450 Precision Plain-turning and Screwcutting Lathes with screwcutting charts (11 pages) Also included are three catalogues: one in English (10 pages); one in English, French and German (8 pages) and another in French (not such a good reproduction as the others with 6 pages). £35

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Catalog
Midsaw Bandsaws & Filing Machines - larger types. Whole-range Catalogue

 Midsaw Toolroom Machinery. Two comprehensive, well-illustrated and descriptive sales and technical specification catalogues that show the larger machines: Bandsaws and Band-filing Machines, Horizontal Bandsaws, Cut-off Machines, Cut-off Bandsaws, High-speed Edge Miller,  Overhead Slitting Saws, Circular Tables, Filer and Jigsaw and Saw Sharpeners.

  • Catalog