Simonet DC, DD, DR-102 and DZ-450 Manual
SIMONET basic Working Instructions & Maintenance Guide for the DC-102, DD-102, DR102 and DZ-450 Precision Plain-turning and Screwcutting Lathes with screwcutting charts (11 pages) Also included are three catalogues: one in English (10 pages); one in English, French and German (8 pages) and another in French (not such a good reproduction as the others with 6 pages). £35
Cincinnati Toolmaster Model DD. Data Pack as Operation, Service & an enlarged Parts Manual
Cincinnati "Toolmaster" Milling Machines Model DD with "Square-styled" model Turret-head type: A complete data pack for the miller containing a detailed Operator's Instruction Manual, Service Manual and Parts Manual. The parts manual is enlarged for clarity to double size on A3 paper and is shown as Sectional Drawings.
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
- Technical Drawings
- Catalog
EDWARDS TRUECUT DD (Direct Drive) Guillotine - Data Pack
EDWARDS TRUECUT DD (Direct Drive) Guillotines sometimes marked "600" - which just means made when owned by the "600 Machine Tool Group".