S224A SIP/Hauser Jig Borers Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1970s
SIP/Hauser Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1970s. Shows the Types SIP640, SIP740, MP-42DR, MP-52DR, MP-44, MP-54, SIP 302M, SIP305M, SIP1002M, SIP3002M, SIP414M, SIP560M, "Omnisip", OPUS6, OPUs7, and "Logisip". 20 pages.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) 3EE and 3EEA high Precision Spark Erosion Machine (Electro Discharge). Catalogue
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) 3EE and 3EEA high Precision Spark Erosion Machine (Electro Discharge). Sales and Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue 8 pages.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) AP-6A Profile Projector. Catalogue
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) Early Catalogue (probably 1928) showing the No.3 Jig Borer
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE). Early Sales & Technical
Specification Catalogue (probably 1928) showing the No.3 Jig Borer. 12 pages.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) MIL-300 High-precision Measuring Machine. Catalogue.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) MIL-300 High-precision Measuring Machine. Sales and Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 20 pages.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) No. 1-EE Precision Spark Erosion Machine. Catalogue
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) No. 1-EE Precision Spark Erosion Machine (Electro Discharge). Sales and Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue 16 pages.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) SIP4000 High-precision Machining Centre. Catalogue
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) SIP4000 High-precision Machining Centre. Sales and Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue 20 pages.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) Sogenique Clamping Sets. Catalogue.
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE). 1930 Sales, Tech. Spec., Accessories Catalogue + principles of jig boring & SIP measuring system
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE). Early Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue dated 1930 that details the principles of jig boring, explains the SIP measuring system, and shows examples of what the machines were capable of. Includes the MP-4B, MP-5B and MP-6 models. 28 pages.
- Catalog
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE). Early Catalogue (probably 1929) MP-4B, MP-5B, MP-6
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE). Early Sales and Technical Specification
Catalogue (probably 1929) showing the Models MP-4B, MP-5B and MP-6. 28 pages
SIP (Societe Genevois) ROTOPTIC-2 Optical Dividing Table. Operating instructions
SIP (Societe Genevoise) ROTOPTIC-2 Optical Dividing Table. Operating instructions together with a collection of sales and Technical Specification Catalogue sheets showing the range of SIP rotary tables.
SIP (Societe Genevoise) PD-2H ROTARY TABLES (circular tables). Detailed Technical Instructions.
SIP (Societe Genevoise) PD-2H ROTARY TABLES (circular tables). Detailed Technical Instructions together with a collection of sales and Technical Specification Catalogue sheets showing the range of SIP rotary tables. .
SIP (Societe Genevoise) PD-4C ROTARY TABLE (circular table) . Technical Instructions
SIP (Society Genevoise) PD-4C ROTARY TABLE (circular table) .
Technical Instructions.
SIP (Societe Genevoise) ROTOPTIC-6 Optical Dividing Table. Operating instructions
SIP (Societe Genevoise) ROTOPTIC-6 Optical Dividing table. Operating instructions together with a collection of sales and Technical Specification Catalogue sheets showing the range of SIP rotary tables.
SIP (Societe Genevoise) Rotoptic 1 Optical Dividing Table. Manual
SIP (Societe Genevoise) Rotoptic-1 Optical Dividing table. Operating instructions together with a collection of sales and Technical Specification Catalogue sheets showing the range of SIP rotary tables.
SIP - small booklet "Accuracy Guaranteed" giving the limits for a range of SIP machines.
SIP - small booklet "Accuracy Guaranteed" giving the limits for a range of SIP machines. 12 pages.
SIP Angular Spacing Tables
SIP (Society Genevoise) Book of Angular Spacing Tables.
- Other
SIP DIR-4 Repeating Device. Operator's Manual
SM561K SIP DIR-4 Repeating Device. Operator's Manual (this unit was for
recording and automatically repeating any number of table and spindle
head positions.
SIP Facing Tool Holder "P" Manual
SIP Full-range Catalogue (1950s - 1960s)
SIP (Societe Genevoise) Full-range, all-models, accessories and tooling catalogue covering the period 1950s to 1960s. This consists of the largest catalogue from the period, plus every additional different page from other SIP "Full-range" publications of the same era. Jig Borers: 1H, 2P, 3K, 3K-CN, 4G, 5E-CN, 6A, 6A-DIR, 6A-CN, 7A, 7P, 7A-DIR, 7A-CN, 8P.
SIP Full-range catalogue with pages dated 1944, 1945, 1946 and 1947
SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE) Full-range catalogue with pages dated 1944, 1945, 1946 and 1947 showing Jig borers Types MP-1H, 2C, 2H, 3K, 4G, Hydroptic-B, Hydroptic-7, Hydroptic-8, rotary tables, tilting rotary tables, twist drills, end mills, boring tool holders Type L, toolholders Type P, Thread Grinding Machine Type RU-2, Measuring Comparator Type F-7, Drum Dividing Machine Type M
SIP Jig Borer "Performance Data" Catalogue with notes of the time and cost savings involved.
SIP Jig Borer "Performance Data" Catalogue with 31 full-page illustrations of the jig borers in use together with notes of the time and cost savings involved. Issued for the American Market.
SIP Jig Borers All Models Catalogue 1964
SIP All-Models (small-format) Catalogue dated 1964 showing the JIG BORERS: 1H, 2P, 3K, 5E, 6A, 6A-CN4, 6A-DIR, 7A, 7A-DIR, 7A-CN4, 8P. Profile projector AP-6A, Universal Measuring Support U-10, Optical Measuring Machines: MUL-300, MU-214B, TRIOPTIC, MUL-100, MUL-3000, MUL-4000. 3 Co-ordinate Measuring Machines: Hydroptic-6AM, 7AM, 6AM-CN5, 7AM-CN5, 6AM-DIR and 7AM-DIR.