Model: 220

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Manuals for Model: 220

Print code: K200C

KEARNEY and TRECKER TF Series Milling Machines. Detailed and well-illustrated Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue showing Models 210, 220, 310, 315, 320, 330, 415, 425, 430, 450, 525, 550, 625 and 650. 20 pages.

Print code: MC330-120

Colchester Colchester TORNADO Lathes Types 120M, Detailed (651-page) Operation Manual, Programming and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.


Print code: MC330FA

Colchester Colchester TORNADO Types A50, A90, 120M, 220 and 220M Very large, individual manuals are available for these models and can be ordered under the following codes:.

Print code: MC330FA220

Colchester Colchester TORNADO Types 220 and 220M. A huge, detailed 985-page Operation Manual, Programming, Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. Bound in four volumes.


Print code: MC330FA50

Colchester Colchester TORNADO Lathes Types A50. Detailed (463-page) Operation Manual, Programming and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.


Print code: MC330FA90

Colchester Colchester TORNADO Lathes Types A90, Detailed (741-page) Operation Manual, Programming and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.


Print code: MD350J

Gaston Dufour 220, 221, 211N and 221R  Milling Machines: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. Gaston Dufour 220, 221, 211N 7 221R. Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

Print code: ME511

Ercol "Ercolematic" 220 Hacksawing Machine Operator's Instructions.

Print code: MK172A

Kearney and Trecker 210-220, 310-320, 315-330, 415-430 TF Series Milling Machines: Plain, Universal and Vertical. Operator's Instruction Manual.

Print code: MK172D

Kearney and Trecker 215 TF-16, 220 TF-16, 315 TF-16 and 320 TF-16 "T and F" Series Milling Machines: Plain, Horizontal and Vertical. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MW246D

Warco 220 Lathe. Operator's Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

Print code: MW5210

Wadkin FSP 180 & FSP 220 Through-feed four-side Planing Machines. Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings.