Kerry (Q and S) Drill "Super 8" "Backgeared Type": Instruction Manual and Separate Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings - all scanned at high resolution and some, of the head, extracted and enlarged. Includes copies of early and late maker's comprehensive Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues. Covers all models: early "round" style A, B and S and the later more "angular" Series "U". A complete data pack for this most useful and versatile "backgeared" drilling machine.
Qualters and Smith
For other Qualters and Smith Drills and Lathes etc. check the Kerry section; the Kerry name was used interchangeably with Qualters and Smith on many models.
Manuals and Catalogues
Kerry (Q and S) Drill "Drillmaster" Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes three copies of early to late maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues that give full details of the complete range.
Kerry (Q and S) Drill Model "100" (P Series) Geared-head, No. 3 Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.
Kerry (Q and S) Drill Model "125" (P Series) Conventional Geared-head No. 3 Morse taper (not a radial-arm drill): Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.
Kerry (Q and S) Drill Model "150" (P Series) Geared-head, No. 4 Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.
Kerry (Q and S) Drill Model "150" (H Series) Geared-head, No. 4 Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Kerry (Q and S) Drilling Machine Model "150 AG" Geared-head: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Kerry (Q and S) Drills Radial-arm R3 and R4: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes an electrical diagram and a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.
Kerry Drills (Qualters and Smith) Drillmaster Drilling Machine. QDM 500, 625,750, 1000 & 1250 Manual
Kerry Drills (Qualters and Smith) Drillmaster QDM 500, 625, 750, 1000 & 1250 Drilling Machines: A set of Instruction Manuals and Parts Manuals as Sectional Drawings covering all versions of these powerful drilling machines.
Qualters and Smith QDM 23 Drill: Service Manual.
Qualters and Smith QDM 32 Drilling Machine: Service Manual and Parts Manual.
Qualters and Smith QDM-500, QDM-625, QDM-750, QDM1000 & QDM1250 Drillmaster Drilling Machines: A detailed Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings - everything that you need to know about using and maintaining these powerful drills.
Qualters and Smith QDM-1250 Drillmaster Drilling Machine. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Qualters and Smith (actually made by Richmond) SR2 Radial Arm Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings and Wiring Schematic.
Qualters and Smith 150, 150-Terrier, 200-Terrier, 150-Bulldog and 200-Bulldog Hacksaws (also covers the larger Model 250). Complete set of Instruction Manuals with Parts and Electrical Schematics (or single and two-speed motors) that covers all versions of these saws.
Qualters and Smith 6" and 8" Hacksaw (older models). Instruction Manuals (combined) with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Qualters and Smith 6B Autocut Bandsaw. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.
Qualters and Smith 10B and Autocut 10B Autocut and A/180, QSB10 and QSB10A Horizontal bandsaw Manual
Qualters and Smith 10B Standard, 10B Autocut and A/180, QSB10 and QSB10A Horizontal bandsaw. Instruction and Service Manuals and Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings (2 manuals in the set covering all versions). Includes electrical diagrams and hydraulic conduits layout (not a hydraulic diagram).
Qualters and Smith Type 6W Bandsaw. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.
Qualters and Smith QSB-7 and QSB-7A Bandsaws. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.
Qualters and Smith QSB-7B Band Saw. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.
Qualters and Smith 12A and 12B Band Saw. Electrical Blueprints.
Qualters and Smith 12A Band Saw. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the complex wiring diagram - this is shown as a complete chart together with a set of enlargements. Also included is a sheet obtained from the works titled: "Setting the Hydraulic System on QSB12A Bandsaws
Qualters and Smith Type 150 Bandsaw: Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.
Qualters and Smith 180, 180A, 260 and 260A Bandsaws - Manual and Automatic models. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics (pc).
Qualters and Smith 350 and 350A Band Saws. Instruction and Service Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics for both Standard and Automatic. (pc)