Schaublin 125 Lathe: Detailed Technical Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue with annotated diagrams. 1980
Schaublin 125 Lathe: Detailed Technical Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue with annotated diagrams. 1980 (Catalogue 125/80) 43 pages
Traub Strohm 75, 105 and 125 Parts Manual
Traub Strohm M, S, SJ 75, 105 and 125 Automatic Lathes. Parts Manual as Engineering Drawings with details of the Accelerator and Three-spindle Drilling and Thread-cutting Attachment.
Traub Strohm 75, 105 and 125 Gear Hobbing Manual
Traub Strohm 75, 105 and 125 Lathes Gear Hobbing Attachment Operator's Instruction Manual.
Winchester 125 Manual
Winchester Model 125 Plugboard Capstan Lathe (sometimes badged as a Gate-Winchester). Operator's Manual.
WMW SASL 125 Centreless Grinder Manual
WMW SASL 125 Centreless Grinder (also covers the SASL 3, SASL 4 and SASL 5). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.
WMW SU Cylindrical Grinder Electrical Manuals
WMW SU 125, SU-200, SU 315, SU 125/1 and SU200/1 VEB Cylindrical Grinders Electrical Manual with Schematics for Models.
Schaublin 125 Lathe French-text Manual
Schaublin 125 Lathe FRENCH TEXT Workshop Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual, Operating Manual, full set of Sectional Drawing of the entire machine, screwcutting supplement, Electrical Supplement with wiring schematics, a special section on the Maintenance of the electric motor and electromagnetic brake and one on the Sinus-Multi Disc clutch.
EDWARDS TRUECUT DD (Direct Drive) Guillotine - Data Pack
EDWARDS TRUECUT DD (Direct Drive) Guillotines sometimes marked "600" - which just means made when owned by the "600 Machine Tool Group".
Guyson Shot Blasters Manual
Guyson Shot Blaster Models 125, 130, 200/20, 250/20, 300/20, 400/20, 400/40, 490/40, 600/40, 690/40, 600X/40, 800/40, 900/40, SBP/40, T40, T50, DBH. Operating Manual.
Heidenhain V.24 Manual
Heidenhain V.24 Data transfer Connection for TNC 125, 131, 135, 145, 150, 151, 155. Positip VRZ-965, VRZ-742, ME-101 and ME-102.
Heidenhain TNC 125 Manual
Heidenhain TNC 125 Operating instructions
Kerry P125 Geared-head (3 Morse) Drilling Machine Manual
Kerry (Q and S) Drill Model "125" (P Series) Conventional Geared-head No. 3 Morse taper (not a radial-arm drill): Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.
Schaublin 125 Lathe English-text Manual
Schaublin 125 Lathe: Large Workshop Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual, Operating Manual, full set of Sectional Drawing of the entire machine. (62 pages) Additional 16 page screwcutting supplement, a special section on the Maintenance of the electric motor and electromagnetic brake and one on the Sinus-Multi Disc clutch.