Dashin Champion (Colchester Triumph 2000) Lathe Manual

Dashin Champion Lathe (Colchester Triumph 2000 7.5-inch centre height copy made in Taiwan) Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. The manual supplied is the far more informative and complete edition for the Triumph 2000 made in the UK.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
Taiwanese "Generic" Belt-driven Headstock Lathe, Warco, etc. Manual

TAIWANESE belt-drive headstock lathes: A 2-Edition Manual for Taiwanese lathes - the most popular and common medium-sized model offered during the last 45 years being sold with a bewildering variety of names including: AB, Brazier's TY110, The Bramley, Busy-Bee, Carolina, Grizzly DF-1224G, Dashin P4, Elpha DF-1224G, Elpha YP-900, Enco, Everest, Forbes Glen, Hafco AL350A, Honden