Stober R25 to R86 Drives Manual
Stober Variabale-speed drive Units Types R25 to R86. Operating Instructions and Parts as useful Cut-away Drawings. English, French, German, Italian & Spanish Text.
Streicher R Series Manual
Streicher R Series Automatic tapping machines. Operating Manual with Electrical Schematic.
Diaform Instructions covering Models A, B, AT, BT, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, R and 4B Wheel Forming Attachments Manual
DIAFORM Wheel Forming Attachment . A Data pack with a copy of the Diaform Booklet "Form Dressing with the Diaform Wheel Forming Attachment" - a detailed guide as to what the machine can achieve with illustrated examples of work and issued with the the early Diaform Models A, B, AT, BT, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, R and 4B.
Eseway Hardness Testers Types R, PR, PRB, ER, ELR, ERW, ELRW, ERBW and ELRBW Operation Manual
Eseway Hardness Testers Models: Types R, PR, PRB, ER, ELR, ERW, ELRW, ERBW and ELRBW. Operating Instructions with Hardness Scales and Brinell Conversion Charts.
Ex-Cell-O R Electrical Diagrams
Hofmann Dividing Heads/Rotary Tables - Manual
Hydrovane Compressors - Early R Series Manual
Early Hydrovane Compressors including: R900, R1800, SR1800, R4000, R6000, R8000 and R10000 Series (e.g. SR4508, R6308, etc). Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Photographic Plates and sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics.