VICEROY TD Series and 280VS, 280 Synchro and Enterprise 280 lathes, etc. Parts as Sectional Drawings

VICEROY TD Series and 280VS, 280 Synchro and Enterprise 280 lathes, etc. A 2-edition Parts Manual in the form of a large set of Sectional Drawings taken from original factory-issue paper copies - but not every detail is shown. Includes early and late 3-phase Electrical Schematics for the 280VS lathe.

  • Technical Drawings
Traub Strohm TD Rotating Turret Manual

Traub Strohm: TD Rotating Turret - Bed Mounting type (Sternrevolver) Operating and Maintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. German text.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual