AEW Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine (also sold as the Viceroy). Complete data pack including two editions - early and late - of the Operator's Manual, the Parts Manual and 6 works photographs of "show" machines.
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AEW Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine (also sold as the Viceroy). Complete data pack including two editions - early and late - of the Operator's Manual, the Parts Manual and 6 works photographs of "show" machines.
VICEROY Lathes: A complete data pack for all metal-turning models consisting of every piece of literature discovered for these models. All the early Viceroy lathes in the "TD" Series were based on a single model and varied according to its particular use. Models varied from comprehensively equipped metal-turning lathes with a screwcutting gearbox and power cross feed to simple, plain-turning versions that just used a bed, headstock carriage and tailstock.
VICEROY TDS 6 and TDS 6BT (short-bed) WOODTURNING and Bowl-turning Lathes: A complete Data Pack consisting of the Maker's Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Spare Parts Manual together with 20 large drawings enlarged to A3 sheets showing all parts of the lathe including the headstock, stand and countershaft drive system,bed and feet, hand-rest assemblies, bowl-turning attachment, tailstock, sanding table, dowl collet arrangement, metal-spinning attachment and dust-extraction equipment. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales and Specification Catalogues.
Viceroy TDS10, TDS10DE, TDS7/10 Double-end Polishing and Grinding Machines. Set of 8 General Arrangement Drawings showing the machine in section and giving the specification of the motors, nuts, bolts, fastenings, lubrication, belts, etc. The drawings are reprocuce enlarged on A3 sheets.
Viceroy "Sharpedge" Operator's Handbook and a set of eleven high-quality General Arrangement Drawings printed A3 on top-quality 120g paper. These show the entire machine as sectional drawings, the Internal Gouge Attachment and changes to the wheel drive system.
VICEROY TD Series and 280VS, 280 Synchro and Enterprise 280 lathes, etc. A 2-edition Parts Manual in the form of a large set of Sectional Drawings taken from original factory-issue paper copies - but not every detail is shown. Includes early and late 3-phase Electrical Schematics for the 280VS lathe.
I now have my own workshop that I can fit a lathe in - and I'm ready to buy.
Final-drive belt for the Viceroy Under-drive lathes such as the TDS Series (TDS-5, TDS5-GB, TDS 1/1-GB, TDS 1/1, Educator, etc. as seen here ...