Richmond 03 SD Milling Machine. Simple Operator's Instruction Book
Richmond 03SD Milling Machines Universal & Plain. Simple Operator's Instruction Book. Includes two copies of the maker's Technical Sales & Specification Catalogue.
- Operators Manual
- Catalog
Kitchen & Wade Universal Machine Tool catalogue
Kitchen & Wade Universal Machine Tool Sales & Specification Catalogue. Combines the functions of a lathe, milling machine, shaper, drill & hacksaw in one unit. 4 pages
REINECKER Milling Machines Full-range Catalogue
REINECKER Milling Machines - Universal, Plain, Vertical, Horizontal, Plano-milling. Full-range Catalogue with accessories. Circa late 1920s early 1930s. 147 pages.
IMPETUS (Metalmaster) Universal machine Tool. Catalogue
IMPETUS (Metalmaster) Universal machine Tool. Sales and Technical
Specification Sheet (excellent illustrations) 3 pages + technical description
Elliott Sturdimil 1500 Sales Sheet
Elliott Sturdimil 1500 Universal, Plain and Vertical models Sales Sheet - detailed description and specification.
Tom Senior Millers Data Pack
Although there never was a complete manual for Tom Senior millers the following is a complete compendium of all known technical and sales literature: SENIOR (Tom Senior) Milling Machines Operator's Instructions and Parts Manual with Sectional Drawings.