Myford Super 7 Lathe: Complete Data Pack

Myford Super 7 Lathe and version branded for sales in the USA as the Allied AMCO 7" x 30" G " and various Taiwanese and Indian coplies (WEY Yii, Whitecolt, Mi-Bo,Tiger Turn, My Turn, Prakish, Tafenglong, Warco , etc). A complete Data Pack containing all significant publications issued by the maker and covering every version of the lathe.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Catalog
  • Other
Taiwanese "Generic" Belt-driven Headstock Lathe, Warco, etc. Manual

TAIWANESE belt-drive headstock lathes: A 2-Edition Manual for Taiwanese lathes - the most popular and common medium-sized model offered during the last 45 years being sold with a bewildering variety of names including: AB, Brazier's TY110, The Bramley, Busy-Bee, Carolina, Grizzly DF-1224G, Dashin P4, Elpha DF-1224G, Elpha YP-900, Enco, Everest, Forbes Glen, Hafco AL350A, Honden