"Jones and Shipman at Rolls Royce" Booklet
"Jones and Shipman at Rolls Royce". Interesting, well-illustrated Advertising Booklet printed in 1962.
Braunstone Perfect Point Manual
Braunstone (Jones and Shipman-Braunstone) "Perfect Point" Twist Drill Grinding Machine. "Instructions For Operating" together with Technical Sales and Specification Sheets from several years explaining the principles of the machine and how both it and the attachments worked.
Churchill DG100 Drill Grinder Manual
Churchill DG100 Drill Grinder (made to the original design by Herbert Hunt ): Instruction Manual, and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. The "Hunt" was, at one time, a very well known machine and also sold badged as "Herbert", "Jones & Shipman", "Churchill", "Teston" and "Dormer". It was made for many years in several forms and sizes - but all operated in the same way.
Clone of Jones and Shipman 1212 Parts List
Jones and Shipman 1212 Cylindrical Grinder: Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Pictures.
Hunt (Churchill) GG & DG Series Drill Grinders Manual
Hunt (Churchill) Drill Grinders Models DG100, DG23, DG2A, DG3S, DG3A & GG23etc. Operator's Instruction Manual. Parts Manual for the DG100 as Sectional Drawings with Sales and Specification Catalogues. These instructions apply to all types and sizes of "Hunt Patent" drill grinder.
Jones & Shipman 1300, 1305 & 1311 Catgalogues mid-1950s to 1970s
Jones & Shipman Catalogues Models: 1300, 1305 & 1311 mid-1950s to 1970s. 38 pages
Jones & Shipman 1400 & 1400A Surface Grinding Manual
Jones and Shipman 1400 & 1400A (the A differs only in having automatic power rise and fall to head) Surface Grinding Machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual with two Hydraulic Schematics - this is a two-manual edition covering both early and late models.
Jones & Shipman Cutter Grinding: Tool & Cutter , Surface, Cylindrical Instructions
Cutter Grinding (by Jones and Shipman) 60-page Tool and Cutter, Surface and Cylindrical Grinding Explanatory Booklet - which details the principles, that must be adhered to for successful operation of a Tool and Cutter Grinder, etc. Shows specific examples with wonderful photographs and explanations. The instructions are also applicable to other makes of grinder.
- Operators Manual
- Catalog
- Other
Jones & Shipman Full-range Catalogue from the 1940s
Jones and Shipman Full-range catalogue from the 1940s. Grinders, Drills, Tool & Cutter & Twist-drill Grinders, Cone Grinders, Drills, Tapping Machines, Honing Machines, Lapping Machines, Slot Millers, etc.
Jones & Shipman Full-range Grinder Catalogue 1940s to 1950s
JONES and SHIPMAN Full-range, well-illustrated Grinder Catalogue from the
1940s to 1950s. Covers the following models: AW, BW, CW, OH, PAW, HBY, HCY,
Jones & Shipman Series 1001 Cylindrical Grinders Manual
Jones & Shipman Series 1001 Cylindrical Grinders. Operating, Adjustments and Basic Service Manual.
Jones and Shipman "Tool and Cutter Grinding"
Jones and Shipman "Tool and Cutter Grinding". 60-page Explanatory Booklet, which details the principles that must be adhered to for the successful operation of a Tool and Cutter Grinder. Gives details of specific examples with wonderful photographs and explanations. Instructions are also applicable to other makes of grinder.
- Catalog
- Other
Jones and Shipman - Grinding: Precision Grinding Techniques
Grinding: Precision Grinding Techniques - Jones and Shipman. Precision Grinding Techniques - a Primer. Covers the essential basics of Surface, Tool, Cylindrical Internal precision grinding. 87 pages.
Jones and Shipman - Precision Grinding Techniques
Precision Grinding Techniques - Jones and Shipman. Precision Grinding Techniques - a Primer. Covers the essential basics of Surface, Tool, Cylindrical, and Internal precision grinding. 87 pages.
- Other
Jones and Shipman 1011 & 1012 Operators Manual
Jones and Shipman 1011 and 1012 Surface Grinding Machines. This is also relevant to the earlier 12" x 27" machines - recognisable by their 12" x 27" (or 11" x 27" table) and a head-feed control handwheel above and to the right of the grinding wheel. Operating and Maintenance Manual together with 3 Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues covering the range.
Jones and Shipman 1014 Operators Manual
Jones and Shipman 1014 Universal Toolroom Grinder. Operator's Instructions and Lubrication
Jones and Shipman 1015 Operators Manual
Jones and Shipman 1015 Cylindrical grinding machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual.
Jones and Shipman 1032 and 1033 Cylindrical Grinding Machines Manual
Jones and Shipman 1032 and 1033 Cylindrical Grinding Machines. Operating and Maintenance Manual.
Jones and Shipman 1040 Operators Manual
Jones and Shipman 1040 Cylindrical Grinding Machines. Operating and Maintenance Manual.
Jones and Shipman 1049, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065 E, EF and EFT Series Grinder Manual
Jones and Shipman 1049 (also suits the smaller but identical 1048), 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, and 1065 E, EF and EFT Series. Production Grinding Machines. Operating and Maintenance Manual with a Hydraulic Schematic.
Jones and Shipman 1070, 1071 & 1070M Grinding Machine Manual
Jones and Shipman 1070, 1071, 1070M Cylindrical Grinding Machines. Operating and Maintenance Manual with an Electrical Schematic.
Jones and Shipman 1074 and 1076 Cylindrical Grinding Machine Manual
Jones and Shipman 1074 and 1076 Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual. Includes a hydraulic schematic but not an electrical.
Jones and Shipman 1204, 1025 and 1209 Cylindrical Grinder Manual
Jones and Shipman 1204, 1025 and 1209 Cylindrical Grinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual:
Jones and Shipman 1212 Cylindrical Grinder Operator's Manual
Jones and Shipman 1212 Cylindrical Grinder: Operator's Manual with an Electrical Schematic.