IME Watchmaker's Lathes - a Data Pack

IME Watchmakers' Lathes & Drills: Traditional and later Types (Models 100 & 300). A complete Data Pack with copies of all known Sales and Promotional literature including two copies of the drills catalogue. All the original rather small original illustrations and charts have been greatly increased in size for improved clarity. 32 pages.

  • Catalog
Hepworth Tracer (hydraulic copying) Attachments Manual. All types from 150 to 620

HEPWORTH HYDRAULIC COPYING (TRACER) Attachments for the Series 150, 300, 400, 450, 470, 472, 600 & 620 as fitted to Colchester, Harrison, Milmor, Smart & Brown, Dean Smith & Grace, Willson, Kerry, Broadbent-Schofield and many other makes. A complete 140-page Data Pack with Detailed Operation Manuals and Spare Manuals as Sectional and other drawings.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual