MILNES Lathes, Planers & Accessories Catalogue 1922
MILNES Lathes, Planers & Accessories Catalogue 1922 showing the Types R, G, B, X, Y, W, Z, I, N, D and K (ornamental turning) 41 pages.
South Bend lathes Models O, N, R and Junior Parts Manual
South Bend Model Parts Manual for the Models "O", "N", "R" and Junior Lathes in the following sizes: 9", 11", 13", 15", 16" and 18"
CHALLENGER Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.
CHALLENGER Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages.
Monarch World War 2 Lathes. Catalog
Monarch World War 2 Lathes Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.
Models: 10EE, Model C Toolmaker's, Models W, BB, N, M, NN, Autosizing lathe,
Monarch-Keller Form-turning lathe and Accessories. 12 pages.
MONARCH Lathes. Range Catalog 1955 Models
MONARCH Lathes. Range Catalog 1955 Models: 10EE, Speedi-matic, Series
10EE Model 1000, Series 62, Series 61, Series 80, Series 90, Models M, N and
NN, Mona-matics, Hydra Slide, Air-gage Tracer, Monarch Keller, Motor-Trace,
Heavy Duty Roll Turner, Shapemaster Engraver and 60-degree Right-angle lathes.
36 pages.
Monarch EE, 60, M, N, NN Lubrication Manual
Monarch Lubrication Manual for Engine and Toolmaker's lathes including EE Series 60 and Heavy Duty Models M, N and NN (15 page).