STANDARD MODERN 10-inch - 11-inch manual
STANDARD MODERN 10-inch Lathe. We don't have the specific manual but the "10-inch" is very similar to the Series 2000 11" model (the 10" measurement is conservative) with the main difference appearing to be that the headstock and tailstock are rounded rather than angular in appearance - and generally less "modern" looking.
Sheldon Lathes - Early Models Data Pack: late 1930s to 1940s
Unfortunately a proper handbook was never produced for early flat-belt drive Sheldon lathes with 9-inch, 10-inch and 11-inch swings - but we can offer a complete Data Pack that gives all the information known about this model (Pictures of this type here: It consists of: - "Care
SHELDON Newer Series S and M 11-inch and 13-inch Lathes manual
SHELDON Newer Series S and M 11-inch and 13-inch Lathes. Basic "Setting-up" Instructions, Spindle Dismantling, Metric Screwcutting Instructions, Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and a detailed, full-range Sheldon Sales, Specification and Accessories catalogue.
Sheldon S-56 & KS 11-inch Lathes Parts Manual
Sheldon S-56 (underdrive) and KS (overhead drive) Older 11" Lathe Illustrated Parts Manual.
South Bend lathes Models O, N, R and Junior Parts Manual
South Bend Model Parts Manual for the Models "O", "N", "R" and Junior Lathes in the following sizes: 9", 11", 13", 15", 16" and 18"
Standard Modern 2000 Manual
Standard Modern Lathe 11-inch Model 2000. Operator's Instruction Manual and Spare Parts Illustrations.
Logan Powermatic Lathes. Late Catalogue showing the final production machines
Logan "Powermatic" lathes. late Catalogue showing the final production machines in screwcutting and turret types. A detailed and well-illustrated catalogue. 34 pages
Elliott 9¼" and 11" Lathes Catalog
Elliott 9¼" and 11" Lathes Catalog - 18½" and 22" swing models (48", 80" and 100" between centres). Very detailed descriptions with photographs and various technical data.
Bickford-Cincinnati 11-inch Manual
Bickford-Cincinnati Radial-Arm Drills with 11, 13, 15, 17 or 19-inch diameter columns. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Photographic Plates.
Delta Rockwell 11-inch Lathe Manual
Delta Rockwell 11-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, Maintenance Manual and Exploded Parts Diagrams. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalog and the Screwcutting & Feeds Chart.