Model: TUD

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'TUD' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: TUD

Print code: MB375

Boxford Belt-drive Lathe Manual as a comprehensive Technical Data Pack. A complete, high-quality 228-page publication for all models of belt-drive Boxford lathe from earliest to last. Contains the best of the larger and far better early manuals with clearer pictures and drawings together with additional sections and charts not included in the original - including, for example, far better instruction about operating the tumble-reverse, backgear and apron controls for engaging the leadscrew and power-feed shaft.

TUD Parts

BOXFORD Metric Micrometer Dial. Fits both the cross and top-slide scews of most models including: A, B, C, AUD, BUD, CUD, T, TUD, CSB. Most VSL lathes had a cross-feed dials of a...