
Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: L200K

LEINEN "Optometrist" Contact Lens lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. English, French & German text. 6 pages.

Print code: L200

LEINEN: Magnificent full-range Catalogue set (Catalogue No. D28E & two others) showing the Precision Plain-turning, Screwcutting and Production Lathes, their Accessories and Equipment as manufactured during the 1920s, 1930s and early 1940s. Models included: A1, A1L, A2, B2, A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, A4, A3R, C3R, D3R, E3R, A4R, FA3, FB3, FC3,FD3, FE3, FA4, FA3R, FC3R, FD3R, FE3R, FA4R, A3P, B3P.

Print code: L200

LEINEN: Magnificent full-range Catalogue set (Catalogue No. D28E & two others) showing the Precision Plain-turning, Screwcutting and Production Lathes, their Accessories and Equipment as manufactured during the 1920s, 1930s and early 1940s. Models included: A1, A1L, A2, B2, A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, A4, A3R, C3R, D3R, E3R, A4R, FA3, FB3, FC3,FD3, FE3, FA4, FA3R, FC3R, FD3R, FE3R, FA4R, A3P, B3P.

Print code: L200A

LEINEN Screwcutting LZ4SB, MLZ4SB, LZ4S & MLZ4S (Late Model screwcutting and plain-turning types of the L-Series) Lathes. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues with Accessories. 1970s models. 14 pages.

Print code: L200A2

LEINEN LZ4SB and MLZ4SB Screwcutting Lathes. Dedicated Accessories Catalogue with GERMAN TEXT. Covers everything offered for these models. 36 pages. £35

Print code: L200AY

Leinen Model L Plain Lathes (all sizes). Comprehensive and well-illustrated Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages.

Print code: L200AY

Leinen Model L Plain Lathes (all sizes). Comprehensive and well-illustrated Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages

Print code: L200AZ

LEINEN Screwcutting DLZ-140, DLZ-190, DLZ-140s & DLZ-190s. Detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue (not a manual) with Accessories. The main catalogue is in German, but included is a complete English translation by the works. 16 pages in the illustrated catalogue with 40 pages in total

Print code: L200B

Leinen ZL & ZK Series Lathes Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue (No. Z333E) with Capacity, Alignment and Screwcutting Charts. Models include: ZK3, ZK4, ZL4, ZK4k, ZL4k, ZK3u, ZK4u, ZL4u, ZKuk, ZL4uk. 8 pages

Print code: L200C

Leinen Sort-bed lathes Models Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue (No. Kw324E) . Models include: K, L, M, KW, LW, MW, KR, LR, MR, KA, LA, MA, KAR, LAR, MAR, KH, LH, MH, KHR, LHR, MHR & Stands & Accessories. 8 pages. £25

Print code: L200D

Leinen Precision Capstan lathes. Detailed Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogues (No. SR347E showing Models SR15, SR20, SR26, VSR15 and VSR26, Catalogue ER15/513/E showing Types ER15, ER15E and ER15V and Sales Sheet RH showing the RH3 capstan. 16 pages. £37

Print code: L200E

LEINEN WW Lathe: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 1960 (FRENCH TEXT) 7 pages

Print code: L200F

LEINEN WW Lathe: Sales, Technical Specification and Full Accessory Range Catalogue 1961 (FRENCH TEXT) 20 pages.

Print code: L200G

LEINEN WW-82 and WW-83 Precision Instrument and Watchmakers' Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 4 pages.

Print code: L200G

LEINEN WW-82 and WW-83 Precision Instrument and Watchmakers' Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 4 pages.

Print code: L200H

LEINEN "Reform" Lathe: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 1961 (FRENCH TEXT) 19 pages

Print code: L200J

LEINEN WW Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 1973. 6 pages

Print code: L200L

LEINEN FM1 Micro-precision Milling and Drilling Machine: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 2 pages

Print code: L201

LEINEN High Speed Precision Tapping Machines. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages

Print code: L201A

LEINEN Model BFL Precision Drilling & Milling Machine (built-in rotary table model) Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 2 pages

Print code: L216

LEINEN Screwcutting LZ4S & MLZ4S and Precision Plain Lathes.

Sales Catalogue with Accessories. 1950s to 1960s. 8 pages.

Print code: MB15JIG

BCA Miniature Jig Borer/Jig Driller. Small Operation & Maintenance Manual together with a complete data pack consisting of three UK Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues for the Mk.2 and Mk.3, a Leinen Model BFL Catalogue (the original machine) and sales sheets for the other earlier UK-made version, the EXCEL Model "0". These machines were branded over the decades as Boley, Leinen, BFL, Ultra, Sigma-Jones and Excel. Also included is the article from lathes.co.uk and some of the associated, enlaraged illustrations.

Print code: ML89

Leinen LZ4S, MLZ4S, LZ4P (without a full screwcutting gearbox) and the SK (the ML21SB also looks similar) Super-precision lathe: Operating Manual with Sectional Drawings, Maintenance and Adjustment Sections, full Screwcutting and Power-feed rate Charts, works sectional drawings of the "Multiplicator" screwcutting gearbox, Wiring Diagram, etc. Includes copies of all the associated Leinen Sales and Specification Literature. ENGLISH TEXT

Print code: ML89B

Leinen LZ and LZ43 (early) Precision Lathe. Manuals with GERMAN TEXT. Includes Illustrated Parts Drawings with sections through the headstock tailstock, screwcutting gearbox, compound slide-rest assembly and countershaft drive unit. This lathe is an early version of the MLZ4 with lever rather than dial-controlled screwcutting gearbox.