LEINEN "Optometrist" Contact Lens lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. English, French & German text. 6 pages.
Manuals and Catalogues
LEINEN: Magnificent full-range Catalogue set (Catalogue No. D28E & two others) showing the Precision Plain-turning, Screwcutting and Production Lathes, their Accessories and Equipment as manufactured during the 1920s, 1930s and early 1940s. Models included: A1, A1L, A2, B2, A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, A4, A3R, C3R, D3R, E3R, A4R, FA3, FB3, FC3,FD3, FE3, FA4, FA3R, FC3R, FD3R, FE3R, FA4R, A3P, B3P.
LEINEN: Magnificent full-range Catalogue set (Catalogue No. D28E & two others) showing the Precision Plain-turning, Screwcutting and Production Lathes, their Accessories and Equipment as manufactured during the 1920s, 1930s and early 1940s. Models included: A1, A1L, A2, B2, A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, A4, A3R, C3R, D3R, E3R, A4R, FA3, FB3, FC3,FD3, FE3, FA4, FA3R, FC3R, FD3R, FE3R, FA4R, A3P, B3P.
LEINEN Screwcutting LZ4SB, MLZ4SB, LZ4S & MLZ4S (Late Model screwcutting and plain-turning types of the L-Series) Lathes. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues with Accessories. 1970s models. 14 pages.
LEINEN LZ4SB and MLZ4SB Screwcutting Lathes. Dedicated Accessories Catalogue with GERMAN TEXT. Covers everything offered for these models. 36 pages. £35
Leinen Model L Plain Lathes (all sizes). Comprehensive and well-illustrated Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages.
Leinen Model L Plain Lathes (all sizes). Comprehensive and well-illustrated Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages
LEINEN Screwcutting DLZ-140, DLZ-190, DLZ-140s & DLZ-190s. Detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue (not a manual) with Accessories. The main catalogue is in German, but included is a complete English translation by the works. 16 pages in the illustrated catalogue with 40 pages in total
Leinen ZL & ZK Series Lathes Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue (No. Z333E) with Capacity, Alignment and Screwcutting Charts. Models include: ZK3, ZK4, ZL4, ZK4k, ZL4k, ZK3u, ZK4u, ZL4u, ZKuk, ZL4uk. 8 pages
Leinen Sort-bed lathes Models Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue (No. Kw324E) . Models include: K, L, M, KW, LW, MW, KR, LR, MR, KA, LA, MA, KAR, LAR, MAR, KH, LH, MH, KHR, LHR, MHR & Stands & Accessories. 8 pages. £25
Leinen Precision Capstan lathes. Detailed Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogues (No. SR347E showing Models SR15, SR20, SR26, VSR15 and VSR26, Catalogue ER15/513/E showing Types ER15, ER15E and ER15V and Sales Sheet RH showing the RH3 capstan. 16 pages. £37
LEINEN WW Lathe: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 1960 (FRENCH TEXT) 7 pages
LEINEN WW Lathe: Sales, Technical Specification and Full Accessory Range Catalogue 1961 (FRENCH TEXT) 20 pages.
LEINEN WW-82 and WW-83 Precision Instrument and Watchmakers' Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 4 pages.
LEINEN WW-82 and WW-83 Precision Instrument and Watchmakers' Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 4 pages.
LEINEN "Reform" Lathe: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 1961 (FRENCH TEXT) 19 pages
LEINEN WW Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 1973. 6 pages
LEINEN FM1 Micro-precision Milling and Drilling Machine: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 2 pages
LEINEN High Speed Precision Tapping Machines. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages
LEINEN Model BFL Precision Drilling & Milling Machine (built-in rotary table model) Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue 2 pages
LEINEN Screwcutting LZ4S & MLZ4S and Precision Plain Lathes.
Sales Catalogue with Accessories. 1950s to 1960s. 8 pages.
BCA Miniature Jig Borer/Jig Driller. Small Operation & Maintenance Manual together with a complete data pack consisting of three UK Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues for the Mk.2 and Mk.3, a Leinen Model BFL Catalogue (the original machine) and sales sheets for the other earlier UK-made version, the EXCEL Model "0". These machines were branded over the decades as Boley, Leinen, BFL, Ultra, Sigma-Jones and Excel. Also included is the article from lathes.co.uk and some of the associated, enlaraged illustrations.
Leinen LZ4S, MLZ4S, LZ4P (without a full screwcutting gearbox) and the SK (the ML21SB also looks similar) Super-precision lathe: Operating Manual with Sectional Drawings, Maintenance and Adjustment Sections, full Screwcutting and Power-feed rate Charts, works sectional drawings of the "Multiplicator" screwcutting gearbox, Wiring Diagram, etc. Includes copies of all the associated Leinen Sales and Specification Literature. ENGLISH TEXT
Leinen LZ and LZ43 (early) Precision Lathe. Manuals with GERMAN TEXT. Includes Illustrated Parts Drawings with sections through the headstock tailstock, screwcutting gearbox, compound slide-rest assembly and countershaft drive unit. This lathe is an early version of the MLZ4 with lever rather than dial-controlled screwcutting gearbox.