Barnes 1921 Lathes Catalogue
BARNES (USA) Lathes Catalogue for 1921 showing the full range with photographs and engravings. Models: No. 41/2, No. 5, No. 13, 13 and 18-inch Engine Lathes & Accessories. 31 pages.
Wade Precision Lathes Nos. 3, 5 and 7 Catalogue
Wade Precision Lathes Nos. 3, 5 & 7: Sales, Accessories & Technical Specification Catalogue 1943 (covers 1930s and 1950s types).
Warner and Swasey 3, 4 and 5 Service Manual
Warner and Swasey No. 3, 4 and 5 "Universal Ram Type" Turret Lathe: Service Manual and Fold-out Sectional Drawings Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Wickman 5/8"-6 Parts Manual
Wickman 5/8"-6 Automatic. Machine and Attachments Parts List as Sectional Drawings.
Wickman 5/8"-6 Manual
Wickman 5 Manual
Wickman 5 Spindle Bar and Chucking Automatic Lathes. Comprehensive 120-page Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.
Willson Newel Mk.5 Lathe. Instruction & Parts Manual
WILLSON Mk. V 7.5-inch "Newel" and "Willson/Elliott". Listed by the makers as the Canel Mk.V when fitted with a straight bed and the Newall Mk.
Bardons and Oliver No. 3, 5 and 7 Manual
Bardons and Oliver No. 3, 5 and 7 Universal Turret Lathe: Manual, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance.
Bardons and Oliver 5 Parts List
Bardons and Oliver No. 5 Universal Turret lathe. Parts manual as Exploded Component Photographic plates.
Emco Compact 5 Lathe & Milling Head Manual
Emco Compact 5 Lathe and Vertical Milling Head: Highly detailed Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams and Wiring Schematics for the Lathe and Milling Head. Includes a comprehensive 12-page Sales, Technical Specification and Accessory Catalogue.
Gisholt 3, 4 and 5 Turret Lathe.Maintenance Manual
Gisholt No. 3, 4 and 5 Ram Type Turret Lathes: Service Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual and 27 large pages of detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings.
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan Manual
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan Lathes. Operating, Maintenance and Setting Manual (last edition with fuller detail).
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Manual
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Lathes. Operating, Maintenance and Setting Manual (last edition with fuller detail).
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Parts Manual
Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan and 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide lathes. Spare Parts Manual as clear and detailed Exploded Component Drawings (this is the last edition with fuller details).
Herbert 5 and 54 Senior Monoslide Parts Manual
Herbert "5" and "54" Senior Monoslide Lathes: Spares Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.
Herbert 5 Preoptive Mk.4 Hepworth Lathe Operating and Parts Manual ( and Programme Sequence Control Manual)
Herbert 5 Preoptive Mk.4 Hepworth Lathe Operating and Parts Manual (and Programme Sequence Control Manual)
Machinex 5 Operators Manual
Machinex 5 Hand book and Operator's Instruction Manual for all Machinex lathes, Drills and Mills. Includes Exploded Component Parts Manual and a copy of the original Sales and Specification Catalog with lists of all the accessories.
Riivett 1898 Catalog
Rivett All-models Catalogue dated 1898. Shows Millers, Grinders and Lathes both Watchmaker and Precision Bench Types Numbers 3, 4, 5 and the "8-inch Precision". Includes watchmaking accessories and lathe drive systems.