LeBlond "Dual Drive" Lathe Mk. 2 Manual

LeBlond "Dual Drive" Mk.2 Instruction and Illustrated Parts Manual as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. A number of the smaller parts illustrations have been scanned at very high resolution and enlarged to full-page size.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
LeBlond (USA) Catalogue, 1921

LeBlond (USA): Complete Range Catalogue 1921 Full of useful information and detailed component pictures. Small format enlarged to A4 (just short of USA "letter")

  • Catalog
LeBlond 14" and 16" Manual

LeBlond 14" and 16" Tool and Diemaker Precision Lathe. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Diagrams.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
LeBlond 25", 27", 30" and 32" Manual

LeBlond 25", 27", 30" and 32" Heavy-duty lathes - plain, gap bed, sliding bed, hollow spindle models: Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
LeBlond Complete Range Catalogue early 1950s (lathes from around 1946 to late 1950s)

L91 LeBlond: A superb,  well-illustrated Complete Range Catalogue early 1950s showing lathes
as made from around 1946 to the late 1950s. Includes Heavy-duty Engine, Tool Room,
Dual Drive, Sliding Gap bed, Hollow Spindle, rapid production, Regal Models, Turret,
Automatic, Crankshaft, Universal Crankshaft, Important Features, Accessories, Attachments,

  • Catalog
LeBlond Regal 1940s to 1950s Operation, Maintenace and Parts Manual

LeBlond Regal Lathes (13" to 19") early-1940s to the late 1950s. These were designated: A = 10", B = 13", C = 15", D = 17" E = 19", F = 21", H = 24". The lathes remained largely unchanged mechanically from their introduction until the late 1950s - although the stands and drive systems were modernized to make the machines more compact.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
LeBlond Regal and "LeBlond Makino" C3, C5, E3, E7 Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual

LeBlond and "LeBlond Makino". A detailed and comprehensive Instruction, Maintenance & Illustrated Parts Manual (as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawing) for the later "Regal" lathes from the late 1950s through to the 1980s: Models 13" (C3), 15" (C5), 17" (E3) and 19" (E7) including the Servo-shift and sliding bed types.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual
LeBlond: 12", 14", 16" & 18" Lathes Manual

LeBlond: 12", 14", 16" & 18" lathes in Engine, Toolroom and gap-bed forms and the 19" to 38" sliding-bed models. These were heavier, industrial-class LeBlond lathes made from the 1930s to the early 1950s. Service & Instruction Manual.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
Leblond Dual Drive Lathe Mk. 1 Operator's Manual

LeBlond "Dual Drive" Mk.1 Instruction and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded-component pictures. Includes a copy of the maker's very unusual Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue - this being in the form of transparent sheets with overlayers - and so impossible to reproduce in its original form but interesting nonetheless!.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
Leblond Regal Catalog 1931 First Edition

LeBlond Regal Lathes. A superb, First Edition 47-page Full-range Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue and Price List 1931. This publication introduces the new, lighter LeBlond lathes and is full of detailed technical information, useful Component Parts Pictures as well as interesting company and factory information.

  • Catalog
Leblond Regal Lathe - 1930s-1940s: Operator's Manual

LeBLOND REGAL "Running a Regal" 1930s to 1940s. The first LeBlond handbook that deals, in a very comprehensive way, with all sizes of "Regal" lathes made during that period. (72 pages, small format). Also included is a superb 47-page Technical Sales Catalogue & Price List.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Catalog