Fanuc AC Spindle Servo Maintenance Manual
Fanuc AC Spindle Servo Unit Models: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 22, 30, 40,1S, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H and 2VH; Maintenance Manual.
Giewont (Gate) Tutormill Manual
Gate (Giewont Mechanicy Ponar-Komo Prvomajska ) Tutormill No. 1. (sometimes badged as a "Gate" by the importer) Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.
Cincinnati Dial-Type Milling Machines - early types Maintenance Manual
Cincinnati Earlier "Dial Type" Milling Machines Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4: Detailed Service Manual and Parts Manual with photographs of components. Includes a comprehensive and detailed Sales, Accessories and Technical Specification Catalogue. As made from the 1930s until the mid-1940s.
Gorton 1-22 Mastermil Operator's Manual
Gorton 1-22 Mastermil Operator's Handbook - includes a copy of the detailed 16-page Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue
Gorton 1-22 Mastermil Maintenance Manual
Gorton 1-22 Mastermil Repair Parts Manual
Harrison 10AA Mk. 1 (Chipmaster) Lathe Manual
Harrison Lathe AA Mk. 1 ( "Round" styling and identical to the Colchester Chipmaster) A comprehensive Data Pack with early and late editions of the Instruction and Maintenance Manual and both Parts Manuals as exploded component diagrams. Covers all models with Imperial or Metric gearboxes and includes electrical, variator and drive differences.
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parts Manual
- Electrical Diagrams
Harrison L6 Mk. 1 Lathe Manual
HARRISON Lathe 12-inch swing (6.5-inch Centre height Model L6 Mk.1 - also badged, for some markets, as a 13-inch) - a model with "rounded" styling from the 1950s, a long, upwards-pointing lever on the face of the headstock and two spindle-speed change levers on the top.
Hendey No. 1 General-purpose 12-inch Lathe Manual
Hendey Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual for the No.1 12-inch General Purpose Lathe.
Herbert No. 1 Capstan Lathe Manual
Herbert No. 1 Capstan Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes three editions of the maker's Sales, Specification & Accessories Catalogue. For a Herbert 1 Parts Manual click here
Herbert No. 1 Capstan Lathe Parts Manual
Herbert No. 1 Capstan Lathe: Illustrated Spares Parts Manual as useful and very clear Exploded-component Diagrams. Includes the air-operated chuck.
Herbert 3A Mk. 1 Service Manual
Herbert 3A Auto-lathe Mark 1: Maintenance Manual.
Herbert 3A Auto Lathe Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 Parts Manual
Herbert 3A Auto-lathe Mark 1 and 2: Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.
Jones Machine Tools Drawings
Jones Machine Tools (Pootatuck USA) - kit-built from castings.
Bridgeport Ram-head "Series 1" Milling Machine - a complete data pack
BRIDGEPORT Series 1 Universal Milling Machine - and its various and many clones: A complete, high-quality Data Pack consisting of all known literature in three parts:
1) Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual - the latter as very clear exploded component drawings in the UK Edition for machines made by Adcock and Shipley.
Bridgeport Series 1 Ram-head Miller Catalog
Bridgeport Series 1 Turret Miller. 24-page Catalog showing all the heads and other accessories. A useful adjunct to the Bridgeport Series 1 publications.
Bridgeport 1 MDI Manual
Bridgeport Series 1 MDI Milling Machine: Maintenance Manual.
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Maintenance Manual
BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1. Maintenance Manual with electrical schematic and including a 66-page set of notes written by a Service engineer titled: "Bridgeport Electrical Test and Setup Procedures"
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Operating & Programming Manual
BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1. Operating and Programming Manual with Heidenhain TNC145 or TNC 150 Series Controls.
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk.2, Interact Series 2 Mk.4 Operator's Manual
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 and Interact Series 2 Mk.4. Operating and Programming Manual.
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual
Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings for machines with Heidenhain TNC2500 Control with additional Parameter Sheets. Some electrical schematics are included, sourced from the factory before it closed; however, these are poor-quality reproductions.
Brookman AD Manual
Brookman Automatic Dovetailer Type AD Mk. 1, Mk. 2 and Mk. 3. Operation Instructions.
Brown and Sharpe No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Universal Grinding Machines Manual
Brown and Sharpe No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Universal Grinding machines: Comprehensive and detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts as photographic illustrations.
Cincinnati Dial-Type Milling Machines - Instruction Manual Early Types
Cincinnati Earlier "Dial Type" Milling Machines Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual. As made from the 1930s until the mid-1940s. Identifiable by two small dials on the left-hand column face of the machine.