Shaper Work - Huge, very detailed, all-models' Instruction Book

SHAPER WORK - Work on the Shaping machine - a complete, highly detailed and well-illustrated 333-page book on how to use and get the best from any shaper. Titled: "For Beginners in Machine Shop Practice" it features a larger machine - but the methods and principles involved apply to all makes and types. This is the very best manual on shaper work ever published.

Hendey Lathes: Factory Tour

Hendey "Factory Tour" photographed by Robert Yarnall Richie. A Souvenir Publication in large format, giving a complete photographic tour of the works from the boardroom to dispatch department. Dozens of fabulous pictures and descriptions.

  • Catalog
Hendey Lathes Manual 1920 - 1944

Hendey Lathes circa 1920 to 1944. Operator's Instruction Manual. A very high quality reproduction of the 5th edition of this excellent 88 page book contains a wealth of data about Hendey lathes from around 1920 to 1944 (though the data and screwcutting charts are also applicable to even some of the earlier lathes.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
Hendey Catalogue 1903

Hendey Catalogue 1903. Although not a Manual this wonderful 115-page publication - which illustrates all the machine tools made by Hendey - lathes and shapers, etc. - contains a wealth of useful information: Sectional Drawings, extensive English and Metric screwcutting charts and detailed engravings of aprons, gearboxes, etc.

  • Catalog