Shaper Work - Huge, very detailed, all-models' Instruction Book
SHAPER WORK - Work on the Shaping machine - a complete, highly detailed and well-illustrated 333-page book on how to use and get the best from any shaper. Titled: "For Beginners in Machine Shop Practice" it features a larger machine - but the methods and principles involved apply to all makes and types. This is the very best manual on shaper work ever published.
Hendey "Modern Engine Lathes": full-range catalog-cum-handbook circa 1920/5
Hendey Lathes: "Modern Engine Lathes". This is the best publication for getting to grips with the earlier Hendey Models.
HENDEY Lathes 1920 and earlier Operators' Handbook
HENDEY Lathes 1920 and earlier Operators' Handbook. Extracted from the full-range catalog-cum-handbook listed under Code H237A, this shows the construction and operation of the Company's lathes back to around 1910.
Hendey Lathes: Factory Tour
Hendey "Factory Tour" photographed by Robert Yarnall Richie. A Souvenir Publication in large format, giving a complete photographic tour of the works from the boardroom to dispatch department. Dozens of fabulous pictures and descriptions.
The Hendey Book" - a Company Celebration Publication dated 1922.
Reproduction of "The Hendey Book" - a company celebration publication dated 1922. 110 pages. £65
Hendey 9" x 24" Tool & Gage Makers' Lathe. Detailed and well-illustrated Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue
Hendey 9" x 24" Tool & Gage Makers' Toolroom Lathe. Detailed and well-illustrated Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue with the screwcutting chart 12 pages.
Hendey Souvenir Booklet 1947
Hendey Souvenir Booklet (small format enlarged to A4) 1947
Hendey Lathes Models KK, AA, W, BB, C and 12" helical-geared head lathes. Catalogue
Hendey Models KK, AA, W, BB, C, 12" helical-geared head lathes. Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue
Hendey - complete Lathe and Shaper Catalogue dated 1947
Hendey complete Lathe and Shaper Catalogue 1947. 86 pages.
- Catalog
Hendey Lathe Booklet 1935 (small, enlarged to A5)
Hendey Lathe Booklet 1935 (small, enlarged to A5) 22 pages
- Catalog
Hendey No. 4C Manufacturing Lathe. Detailed and Well-illustrated Catalog
Hendey No. 4C Manufacturing Lathe Detailed and well-illustrated catalog, this publication includes instructions about using the special multi-pitch screwcutting attachment and the apron-controlled feed reverse, etc. 18 pages.
Hendey No. 2G Miller with universal milling attachment. Catalog
Hendey No. 2G Miller with universal milling attachment. Catalog. 4 pages.
RELIEVING ATTACHMENTS. Instructions culled from Hendey manuals explaining the "relieving of cutters" using a lathe.
RELIEVING ATTACHMENTS: two sets of pages culled from Hendey lathe manuals that explain the "relieving of cutters" using a lathe.
- Operators Manual
Hendey Lathes Manual 1920 - 1944
Hendey Lathes circa 1920 to 1944. Operator's Instruction Manual. A very high quality reproduction of the 5th edition of this excellent 88 page book contains a wealth of data about Hendey lathes from around 1920 to 1944 (though the data and screwcutting charts are also applicable to even some of the earlier lathes.
- Operators Manual
- Maintenance Manual
Hendey No. 1 General-purpose 12-inch Lathe Manual
Hendey Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual for the No.1 12-inch General Purpose Lathe.
Hendey 12-speed and 18-speed Parts Book
Hendey Parts Book for the 12-speed and 18-speed geared-head lathes. (not a first-rate reproduction).
- Parts Manual
Hendey Catalogue 1903
Hendey Catalogue 1903. Although not a Manual this wonderful 115-page publication - which illustrates all the machine tools made by Hendey - lathes and shapers, etc. - contains a wealth of useful information: Sectional Drawings, extensive English and Metric screwcutting charts and detailed engravings of aprons, gearboxes, etc.
- Catalog