TOS Factory Tour. Anniversary Publication 1976
TOS Factory Tour. Anniversary Booklet 1973. Profusely illustrated showing machine-tool production in Czechoslovakia on the shop floor of the SKODA/TOS works with Lathes, millers, grinders, drills, etc. in production.
PINONDO Shapers. Full-range Catalogue
PINONDO Shapers. Full-range Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. English, French, German and Spanish text. 6 pages.
Webster & Bennett 1926-1930 Full-range Catalogue
W44F Webster & Bennett 1926-1930 Full-range Catalogue showing the Single Table 20" to 30",
Duplex Machines 20" to 48" (as sold mid 1920s to mid 1930s) with various combinations of features and fittings together with the the new-for-1930 "High-Power" types.46 pages.
VDF "Factory Tour" of the Lathe Woks circa 1960s
V39 VDF "Factory Tour" circa 1960s. A rare and fascinating review of the VDF works and how the lathes were designed and built. Many wonderful photographs showing the production and inspection processes from foundry to finished machine. 90 pages.
VDF Lathes Sales & Technical Specification sheet circa 1940/50
VDF "Future Developments in the Field of Numerical Turning" Booklet 1962
V41K VDF "Future Developments in the Field of Numerical Turning" Booklet 1962. 12 pages
SENIOR Millers: Catalogues 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s
SENIOR Milling Machines: several full-range Catalogue 1950s, 1960s, 1970s
and 1980s showing the development of the various models: 1950s, 1960s
(12 pages); 1970s (12 pages); 1980s (12 pages) an early Senior Catalogue.
Dean, Smith & Grace Lathe. 1950s Full-range Catalogue (small format)
D20C DEAN, SMITH & GRACE 1950s Full Range Sales and Technical
Specification Catalogue (small format) 24 pages.
SANFORD Miniature Surface Grinder. Operator's Instructions & Catalogues.
SANFORD (USA) Miniature Surface Grinder. Operator's Instructions and a 9-page Catalogue Set. A high-quality reproduction.
FLOTT Drills - Catalogue Collection
FLOTT Drills Catalogue collection - older to newer.TB-6 high-speed miniature (2 pages); SB23 V-belt drive Mk.1 and Mk.2 (4 pages);
SB23St variable-speed drive (2 pages); full range catalogue (16 pages) showing the types: SB32STV and SB32V,
SB32ST and SB32,SB25STV and SB25V, SB25ST and SB25, SB23L, TB23L, TBZ23L, SB16ST, TB16ST, TBZ16ST, SB16, TB16 TBZ16,
VICKERS Pyramid Hardness Tester Instruction Manual
VICKERS Pyramid Hardness Tester, Vickers Portable Gear-hardness Tester and
Vickers General Purpose Portable Hardness Tester. Working Instructions.
ROBINSON of Rochdale Woodworking Machines All-models Catalogue
ROBINSON of Rochdale. Woodworking Machinery. All-Models Sales Book "Modern Woodworking Machinery" circa the mid-1950s shows machines made from the 1940s to the 1960s. 165 pages with photographs and full specifications of every machine made. A high-quality reproduction.
HAUSER All-Models Catalogue circa 1950
HAUSER rare All-Models Catalogue circa 1950 - Jig Borers, Jig Grinders, Optical Checking & Measuring Instruments, Special Automatic machines for Watch and Instrument making. 16 pages
HAUSER rare All-Models Catalogue circa 1961
HAUSER rare All-Models Catalogue circa 1961 - Jig Borers, Jig Grinders, Optical Checking & Measuring Instruments, Special Automatic machines for Watch and Instrument making. 38 pages
H100B HAUSER All-Models General Catalogue (1986)
HAUSER General catalogue (1986) showing: Jig Grinders Models 50L, 50 and 40, Model 2, Model 3. Jig Borers No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. CNC Controls Types 111, 314 and 311. Profile projectors H751-111, P750-DR, P750, H601, H560, H300. Workshop measuring microscopes Types H302 and H30. hardness testers 249A Vickers, 292-DR Rockwell and a number of Special machines. 16 pages
Hauser All-Models Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1982
HAUSER Manufacturing Programme 1982 Catalogue. Shows:. Jig Grinders 2SO, 2S-DR, S3-DR, S3-111, S3-CNC211, S3-CNC311, S40-111, S40-DR, S40-CNC211, S40-CNC311, S50-DR, S50-111, S50-CNC211, S50-CNC311, S50L-111, S50L-CNC211 S50L-CNC311. Jig Boring Machines Size 1, Size 2, Size 3. Profile Projectors H300, H560, H601, H751-111.
HAUSER Tools and Accessories for Jig Grinders Catalogue
H100Y HAUSER Tools & Accessories for Jig Grinders. Sales & Technical
Specification Catalogue. 20 pages.
BREDA 30th Anniversary Range Brochure: Lathes, Radial-arm drills, twist-drill grinders & factory background & history
BREDA 30th Anniversary Range Brochure. Lathes Models; BRF150, BRM180, BRL225, BRL250, BRP250, BRP300. radial-arm drills Models: R915L, R1200L, R1220MP, R1580MP, R1880MP, Twist Drill Grinders AFP30, AFP50 AFP80. Plus interesting pages on the factory background and history. 16 pages
The Hendey Book" - a Company Celebration Publication dated 1922.
Reproduction of "The Hendey Book" - a company celebration publication dated 1922. 110 pages. £65
REINECKER Lathes Catalogue 1920s - 1930s
REINECKER Lathes. Full-range Catalogue circa late 1920s early 1930s. 86 pages.
REINECKER Gear-cutting Machines & Special Machine Tools Catalogue
REINECKER Gear-cutting Machines & Special Machine Tools - Duplex Head Millers, Slot Milling Machines, Double Spindle Cylinder Boring Machines, Can Forming & Profiling Machine, Cam Copying machine, Twist Drill Manufacturing Machine. Catalogue circa late 1920s early 1930s. 120 pages.
LeBlond Complete Range Catalogue early 1950s (lathes from around 1946 to late 1950s)
L91 LeBlond: A superb, well-illustrated Complete Range Catalogue early 1950s showing lathes
as made from around 1946 to the late 1950s. Includes Heavy-duty Engine, Tool Room,
Dual Drive, Sliding Gap bed, Hollow Spindle, rapid production, Regal Models, Turret,
Automatic, Crankshaft, Universal Crankshaft, Important Features, Accessories, Attachments,
L89 LeBlond Lathe A Superb, Complete-range Catalogue 1921
LeBlond a complete, superb-quality, full-range Catalogue dated 1921. Full of useful information and
- Catalog
LeBlond Catalogue 1941
LeBlond General Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 1941 Edition 16 pages.